Last Updated on July 28, 2021 by Rideshare Community Support

Question: How to Delete Uber Promo Code?

Answer: Uber promo codes cannot be deleted or saved to use at a later time. Uber promo codes are intended to automatically apply to your next eligible trip.

Uber customer support is the only ones who can delete a promo code off your account. It’s very rare that they will do so. We have heard of only a hand full of people who were able to get Uber to delete the first ride free promo code off their account. If you go to the payment tab in your phone you should see the promotions tab. If you go into your promo section you will see that there is no way to delete your code.

Here are some key points to remember concerning Uber promo code:

– Before requesting, look for a stikethrough on the displayed price to see whether any promotions are included.

– If you’re not sure if your promotion was applied, look for the promo line item on your receipt.

– The promo code must be entered before to the trip for it to be valid.

– Promotions may have a time limit.

– Some promotions are only valid in certain areas.

– In the “Wallet” section of your app menu, you can check the specifics of your promotions.

If you would like to contact Uber and see can they delete your promo or the promo is giving you an error, you can do so by going to please login to your account for further assistance. Community SupportPromo CodeRider SupportHow to delete uber promo codeQuestion: How to Delete Uber Promo Code? Answer: Uber promo codes cannot be deleted or saved to use at a later time. Uber promo codes are intended to automatically apply to your next eligible trip. Uber customer support is the only ones who can delete a promo code off your account....Rideshare Support Community...