Video Description: We think Brain Cole an Uber driver gives some really good tips in his video for new Uber drivers. In this video he touch bases on a few things you definitely should know before you take your first trip.
Video Highlights:
■ What accessories to buy for your car.
■ Why you might not want to buy candy to give out to passengers.
■ Should you get a car wash membership.
■ Understand your commission 80/20 split — how to calculate accurately.
■ Why you might want to turn your driver app on at home and wait there a few minutes for a ping.
■ What you need to do if you are not getting a lot of pings.
■ Taking long rides vs short rides.
■ The best time to work based on city trends.
■ His thoughts on minimum fares.
0:09 Alight what’s going on YouTube Brian Cole here. And today I’m going to talk
0:15 about noobs – new Uber drivers. This goes to all the new Uber and Lyft drivers out
0:23 there and I want to give some helpful tips and advice – some useful information
0:28 that you know you can use to start. You know just get that jumpstart, get you off
0:33 started on a good note.
0:36 So before you drive, I’m going to give you a few pointers that will definitely
0:42 help you. I would come equipped in your car with cell phone charging cables and
0:50 an auxiliary cord.
0:52 Those are the only things that I would do personally. I made a video on this
0:57 should you –
0:57 you know, buy extras for your car and those are the two things i would
1:02 recommend doing.
1:04 I would recommend those two. Don’t buy candy.
1:07 I mean, for one – I mean, if you want to offer candy to your customers and you want to pay
1:12 for it. That’s up to you. But i do not see this at all being anything that you
1:17 should buy. It’s an extra business expense and it can get pretty messy in
1:23 your backseat pretty quickly with all the candy wrappers and stuff that got
1:27 take care all that all that. So that’s an extra unnecessary maintenance for
1:32 your car.
1:33 Should you get a car wash it’s a great question?
1:37 Well, that’s going to ultimately depend on if your exterior is clean.
1:41 You know, if there’s bird poop on your car or this time of year, if there’s a
1:44 lot of salt
1:45 I’m your car like there is on mine right now, which next time I have to drive, you
1:49 know I gotta go through the car wash.
1:51 So if your car looks like a mess on the exterior i would recommend getting a car
1:55 wash.
1:56 Should you get a car wash membership?
1:59 I would hold off on that honestly unless you live in
2:04 a place like up north where is a lot snow, a lot of salt during the winter
2:08 time, then I could see a car wash membership being useful during that time.
2:13 But for the most part if your car is clean on the outside and on the inside
2:18 you should be good to go. Other thing is for new drivers – understand your
2:25 commissions cut, it is an 80/20 split in favor of you.
2:32 Now that eighty percent of course is – depending on who you ask,
2:35 they say it’s definitely not eighty percent. Well and the answer to that
2:39 question is
2:40 depends how you calculate it. Just remember that on your phone your fare
2:48 final after the fare is calculated – after your trip it will show you how much it will
2:52 cost and you have to take one dollar off of that after every time. Now some
2:58 people think it’s included in the fare and then Uber splits
3:00 it out in the statement, in a separate category for the one dollar.
3:04 But while you’re on a trip, they include that one dollar in the fare
3:08 so you have to take off one before you calculate your eighty percent. So if
3:12 you’re doing it from that perspective it is not eighty percent and it’s very, very
3:17 important that you know that you keep track to make sure that you’re being
3:21 paid the right amount of money. You can always check your pay statements, they
3:24 are updated in real time by going to the partner dashboard using your username
3:29 login and password. Now to get you started off actually getting rides
3:36 that’s going to depend. I’m going to assume that a lot of people who are
3:39 starting this are going to be part timers who work Friday and Saturday
3:42 nights. So if you’re starting right around five or six
3:46 where do you start, you know – do I to turn your phone on at your house.
3:51 I would recommend this. I always start my phone before I leave and
3:56 even sometimes I just sit here at my desk and do some things and keep my
4:00 phone on just in case someone needs a ride. I don’t really think it matters too
4:06 much where you live either in the deep suburbs, out the country,
4:10 downtown in a nearby neighborhood in the city.
4:15 I would definitely turn your phone on and wait for requests because if you get
4:19 a ride
4:20 hey you know, while you’re at your house – well that’s great that’s less miles for
4:24 you to put on your car before looking for your first ride.
4:28 That’s what i did on my first day, I just turned my phone on and I was like well I
4:32 don’t know what I’m doing – I’m just going to go right to downtown Cincinnati and
4:35 see whoever needs a ride.
4:37 Now if you are living in the suburbs,
4:41 I would recommend staying there at least – at first.
4:44 Now as you get more of a feel for your city if you don’t get paged a whole lot
4:48 in the suburb that you live in,
4:49 you know maybe it’s time to find another one. I would definitely turn your phone
4:54 on to keep that open up a chance of opportunity because my number one tip of
4:58 piece of advice. You know i made a video on this before is people like to go into
5:04 the city during the day time, during the evening time and people like to go out
5:08 of the city at night time. Now
5:12 of course, not everybody goes into the city at that time and that everybody
5:16 goes out of the city at that time.
5:18 Those are just the trends you know. There will be some people who go into the city
5:24 at night and some people who will go out of the city during the day. You know it’s
5:29 it happens but the trends
5:31 you know where you want to place yourself in the more likely position
5:34 that you’re going to get a ride
5:37 that’s where you want to be. And you want to take long rides vs short rides.
5:42 You know again, I’ve made a video on this you can definitely check out my channel.
5:46 If you hang out downtown at five, six, seven
5:50 at night in the evening time, you’re more than likely to get a lot of short rides.
5:55 And minimum fares do not add up very quickly in most markets. Some markets are
6:00 different, but in my market its a four-dollar minimum fare – less one for
6:05 the saferide fee and you are left with the three dollar fare,
6:10 eighty percent, which is two dollars and forty cents. That’s not going to add up a
6:13 whole lot.
6:14 Whereas if you take someone into the city, you can make significantly more
6:18 than two dollars and forty cents depending on how many miles you take
6:21 them.
6:22 So in my suggestion – my viewpoint is always a good idea to try to find the
6:26 long rides.
6:27 I wish I had known a lot of the stuff when I first started. So I i hope
6:31 this video was useful for new drivers and for all the you know other drivers
6:38 who watch my channel.
6:39 What do you– what advice would you give to new drivers I would love to hear your
6:43 feedback so definitely put a comment in the comment box below. And with that
6:49 thanks for watching my video. I’ll see you on my next one
6:54 all right Brian Cole here again and i would like to thank you for watching
6:57 this video. Today i hope this video will be of benefit to you and your ride
7:03 sharing experience.
7:04 There’s a couple of things that I want you to do right now go ahead and click
7:07 on the subscribe button below to be directly below my video right here that
7:11 you’ll stay informed on all the latest happenings on my YouTube channel and
7:15 when I release new videos.
7:17 Another thing i would like to do is to go ahead and click on the maximumride
7:21 that link will be below to subscribe button also below
7:25 this video right here and will be informed when our course will be really
7:30 want to go to the website for your name and email address and we’ll let you know
7:33 when our course will be released.
7:35 Tentatively, right now March and the last thing I want you to do is there’s going
7:40 to be some other videos right here right to my right
7:43 some other very popular videos that i have a posted to my YouTube channel that
7:49 I think will be of great benefit to you and your ride sharing experience once
7:53 again i would like to thank you for watching my video like comment and
7:57 subscribe thank you
Page Content: First Time Uber Driver Tips. Help! Community SupportDriver SupportFirst Time Driver TipsVideo Description: We think Brain Cole an Uber driver gives some really good tips in his video for new Uber drivers. In this video he touch bases on a few things you definitely should know before you take your first trip.
Video Highlights:
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