Archives for Rider Support
Uber Customer Service in 2019
Question: How can I reach Uber Customer Service? Answer: For riders Uber customer service can be reached either via the app by tapping the 'Help' tab or by going to…
How Can I Change Uber TAXI Tip?
Question: How can I change the tipping amount I am being automatically billed at the end of a TAXI trip? Answer: A lot of riders that have the option to…
How To See My Uber Rating?
Rider Concern: Do Uber Drivers Rate Passengers? Uber has it setup so that both riders and drivers can be rated and also left feedback. If you are an annoying disrespectful…
?Does Uber Work 24 Hours in 2018??
Rider Question: ★Does Uber Work 24 Hours?: More and more riders are asking about the availability of Uber in their city. Today we are going to talk a bit about…
7 Reasons: Why Didn’t My Promo Code Work?
Rider Concern: ☀Why didn't my promo code work?☀ Well, we're sure there's a pretty good reason behind why your promo code isn't working for you. Let's take a look at…