Archives for Driver Policies
Uber Smoking Policy Explained
Community Concern: ★Uber Smoking Policy★ Although Uber aims for every Uber experience to be comfortable and scent-free, the truth of the matter is that Uber does not have a 'No-Smoking'…
Uber Driver Tip Jar Policy
☀☀- How Does Uber Feel About Your Tip Jar??? This is something many drivers ask about all the time, (if it's okay to have a tip jar in their vehicle?);…
How Does An Uber Driver Cancel a Trip?
Driver Question: How Does An Uber Driver Cancel a Trip? Answer: Uber drivers can easily cancel a trip. To do so, tap "info", then tap "cancel trip", then, choose from…
I Had More Than 4 Passengers| Now What?
Driver Concern: ☀Uber, I Had More Than 4 Passengers - What Should I Have Done?☀ As you know, XLs are eligible for both X and XL rates - same as…
Uber Speeding Ticket Policy
Driver Concern: ★Uber Speeding Ticket Policy★ Community Response Updated 1/2017: Every Uber ride should be safe and lawful, but that's not always going to be the case. If a driver…